ASP Layer
Overview - Role in the Protocol
The Association Set Provider is a crucial compliance layer that controls which deposits can be privately withdrawn from Privacy Pools. It maintains a set of approved labels and provides the data necessary for cryptographic proofs of label inclusion, bridging privacy with regulatory requirements.
Core Responsibilities
- Manages list of approved deposit labels
- Provides inclusion proofs for withdrawals
- Enables label revocation when needed
- Maintains compliance without compromising privacy
Integration Points
- Interacts with Entrypoint via authorized postmen
- Provides roots for withdrawal validation
- Determines withdrawal eligibility
- Enforces protocol compliance rules
Operation - Label Management
Root Updates
Only authorized postmen can update roots
Each update includes:
struct AssociationSetData {
uint256 root; // Merkle root of approved labels
bytes32 ipfsHash; // Reference to off-chain data
uint256 timestamp; // Update timestamp
} -
History maintained for proof verification
Circular buffer stores recent roots
Set Validation
- Withdrawals require valid ASP root
- Proof must demonstrate label inclusion
- Latest root used for validation
- Failed validations trigger ragequit option
Wind Down Process
- Labels can be removed from ASP set
- Removal triggers withdrawal restrictions
- Original depositors can ragequit
- Enabled complaint exit path
The ASP system enables Privacy Pools to maintain compliance requirements while preserving the core privacy features of the protocol through cryptographic proofs and controlled label management.