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The deposit operation is the entry point into the Privacy Pools protocol. It allows users to publicly deposit assets (ETH or ERC20 tokens) into a pool, creating a private commitment that can later be used for private withdrawals or public ragequit operations.

Protocol Flow

Commitment Structure

The deposit process creates a commitment with the following structure:


valueThe deposit amount after fees
labelkeccak256(scope, nonce) where scope is pool-specific and nonce is incremental
nullifierRandom value used to create unique commitments
secretRandom value that helps secure the commitment
precommitmentHash(nullifier, secret)

Deposit Steps

  1. Input Preparation
  • User generates random nullifier and secret values
  • User computes precommitment = hash(nullifier, secret)
  1. Deposit Transaction
  • User calls Entrypoint's deposit function with asset, amount, and precommitment
  • For ETH: deposit(precommitment) with ETH value
  • For ERC20: deposit(token, amount, precommitment) after approval
  1. Fee Processing
  • Entrypoint calculates and retains vetting fee (configurable per pool)
  • Remaining amount is forwarded to pool
  1. Commitment Generation
  • Pool generates unique label using scope and incremental nonce
  • Computes commitment hash using value, label, and precommitment
  • Inserts commitment into state Merkle tree

Fee Structure

  • Vetting fee: Configurable percentage (in basis points) taken by Entrypoint
  • Example: 100 basis points = 1% fee