Circuits Interfaces
Creates commitment proofs using Poseidon hash.
Public Inputs:
- value: Amount being committed
- label: keccak256(scope, nonce)
Private Inputs:
- nullifier: Unique nullifier for commitment
- secret: Secret for commitment
Public Outputs:
- commitment: Poseidon(value, label, Poseidon(nullifier, secret))
- precommitmentHash: Poseidon(nullifier, secret)
- nullifierHash: Poseidon(nullifier)
Validates withdrawal proofs.
Public Inputs:
- withdrawnValue: Amount being withdrawn
- stateRoot: Current state root
- stateTreeDepth: Current state tree depth
- ASPRoot: Latest ASP root
- ASPTreeDepth: Current ASP tree depth
- context: keccak256(scope, Withdrawal)
Private Inputs:
- label: keccak256(scope, nonce)
- existingValue: Value of existing commitment
- existingNullifier: Nullifier of existing commitment
- existingSecret: Secret of existing commitment
- newNullifier: Nullifier for new commitment
- newSecret: Secret for new commitment
- stateSiblings[]: State tree merkle proof
- stateIndex: Index in state tree
- ASPSiblings[]: ASP tree merkle proof
- ASPIndex: Index in ASP tree
Public Outputs:
- newCommitmentHash: Hash of new commitment
- existingNullifierHash: Hash of spent nullifier